DMG presents: The 4th IconVention Online - 4th December 2024


A successful programme continues: The 4th IconVention Online will once again offer a series of online seminars, covering various aspects of vestibular infiltration treatment. Several prominent, internationally recognized infiltration experts have been engaged as speakers. Participation is free of charge.

This time, the thematic focus is on developmental enamel opacities, with special emphasis on MIH. The series of events is extensively dedicated to the topic and provides insights into gentle treatment options. The topic will be examined in depth, both scientifically and clinically.

In the event presented here, to which you are cordially invited, we will be discussing the following topic:

Success stories from the practice: how to implement Icon into the daily practice

Minimally invasive dentistry is a principle that is ever more important in aesthetic dentistry today. With patients becoming more aware, and technology advancing, the need to use novel yet well-researched techniques to improve aesthetics should always be sought. Resin infiltration is a technique that minimises invasion, whilst maximisation of aesthetics.

Icon resin infiltrant has more than fifteen years of research and cases from all around the world that demonstrate optimal aesthetic outcomes with minimal enamel surface preparation.

The webinar will allow for delegates to understand the technology behind Icon resin infiltration, and how the alteration of the refractive index of white spots can be used to mask white spot lesions in a range of clinical situations and scenarios. Furthermore, the process of diagnosis of the depth and thickness of the white spot will be discussed, along with adjunctive measures that may be used to optimise outcomes.

Finally we will discuss how you can make resin infiltration as part of your routine restorative armamentarium in clinical practice.

18:00 – 19:30 Uhr


Current positions:

  • Private Associate Dental Surgeon at London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry (LCIAD) since January 2020 and at Chelsea and Fulham Dentist (since June 2018)

Previous positions:

  • June 2016 – January 2020: Private Associate Dental Surgeon at Ten Dental, London
  • July 2016 – July 2018: Private Lead Dental Surgeon at One Stop Doctors, Heartfordshire
  • October 2015 – June 2016: Associate Dental Surgeon at Confidential Surgery, London
  • January 2015 – July 2015: Dental Surgeon at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Healthcare Trust, London
  • September 2014 – August 2015: Dental Surgeon at Croydon University Hospital, London
  • September 2014 – August 2015: Dental Core Training at Queen Victoria Hospital, West Sussex
  • September 2014 – August 2015: Dental Surgeon at East Surrey Hospital, Surrey
  • September 2013 – August 2014: Dental Surgeon at A A Tikare & Associates, Kent

Academic qualifications:

  • 2019: Masters in Restorative Dentistry, MSc. (Distinction), University of Birmingham
  • 2015: Diploma of Membership of Joint Dental Faculites, MJDF RCS (Eng), The Royal College of Surgeons (Eng)
  • 2015: Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Dentistry, PG Dip, University of Kent
  • 2014: Foundation Year Training 1, Health Education KSS
  • 2013: Bachelor or Dental Surgery (University of Birmingham)
  • 2008: Bachelor of Medical Science (University of Birmingham)


  • 2022/2023: Winner Clinical Dentistry Awards
  • 2019/2022: Winner Aesthetic Dentistry Awards
  • 2018: Winner European Rising Star in Dentistry, IEA Awards
  • 2017: Winner Best Young Dentist, FMC
  • 2016: Winner Fast Track 4 Award, FMC

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