Biomimetic Dentistry: Nature-Inspired Restorations

Introduction to Biomimetic Dentistry

Biomimetic dentistry is an innovative approach that seeks to mimic teeth' natural structure and function. This field of dentistry emphasizes the preservation of tooth structure and the use of materials and techniques that replicate the biomechanical and esthetic properties of natural teeth. By adhering to these principles, biomimetic dentistry aims to create restorations that are durable and functional and visually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

19:00 – 20:30 Uhr

2 Fortbildungspunkte/Credit Points


1.    Composite and Dental Veneers: A Biomimetic Approach

­­In this segment, we will explore the use of biometric libraries in designing composite and dental veneers. These libraries enable the creation of restorations that look natural, ensuring that veneers seamlessly blend with the surrounding teeth.

2.    Composite vs. Ceramic: Choosing the Right Material

We will delve into the debate between composite and ceramic restorations. This discussion will cover the advantages and disadvantages of each material, providing guidelines on when to use composite versus ceramic for optimal results.

3.    Monoshade vs. Layered Restoration: Which is Superior?

This part of the lecture will address the question of whether layered restorations truly offer superior esthetics compared to monoshade restorations. We will examine the importance of shape versus layering in achieving natural-looking results.

4.    Smile Design Software: Enhancing Communication and Predictability

Discover how smile design software can revolutionize the way we plan and execute dental treatments. This technology facilitates better communication with patients and improves the predictability of outcomes, ensuring a higher level of satisfaction.

Join us for an insightful session where we unravel the principles of biomimetic dentistry and how they can be applied to achieve outstanding restorative results that closely resemble nature's design.

Finally, as usual, we will take enough time for your questions and discussions


Graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, at the University of Zagreb in 2016.
Already as a student, he showed exceptional talent and won the Rector's Award for individual scientific and artist merit for his work on the incidence of undesirable skin reactions to latex. Following his internship at a clinic in Zagreb, he joined the Dentum team where he works as a smile design specialist with a minimally invasive approach.

Founder of an educational platform which provides online and live lectures and hands-on courses for dentists in Europe. 


  • CEO and founder of an Educational platform Corona Dentis – which provides online lectures, case reports, and Live courses
  • The main topics of his lectures are „Minimally invasive approach“, „Smile design“ and prosthetics 
  • Permanent member of the Croatian Dental Chamber
  • Active member Croatian Academy of aesthetic dental medicine
  • Key opinion leader for region and international lecturer for DMG, Hamburg, Germany

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