DMG presents: The 4th IconVention Online - 11th September 2024
A successful programme continues: The 4th IconVention Online will once again offer a series of online seminars, covering various aspects of vestibular infiltration treatment. Several prominent, internationally recognized infiltration experts have been engaged as speakers. Participation is free of charge.
This time, the thematic focus is on developmental enamel opacities, with special emphasis on MIH. The series of events is extensively dedicated to the topic and provides insights into gentle treatment options. The topic will be examined in depth, both scientifically and clinically.
In the event presented here, to which you are cordially invited, we will be discussing the topic of the actual event.
Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) – coming to a child near you soon!
Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is a prevalent qualitative developmental defect of enamel, which affects the first permanent molars and often the permanent incisors in around 1 in 8 people worldwide, with some significant regional variation in prevalence. This demarcated defect affects the enamel (and probably the underlying dentine as well), with characteristics of decreased mineral density, decreased strength and altered appearance (opacity) – with great variability of lesions between and within individuals.
Affected individuals, especially those with severely affected molars, have a considerable burden of care related to the affected teeth, and the outcomes of dental care are often poor. A similar condition affects the second primary molars, but evidence would suggest all teeth are susceptible to ‘MIH-like’ defects. This talk will focus on terminology, aetiological factors and prevalence, with reference to recent research.
Prof. Dr. David John Manton BDSc MDSc PhD FICD FADI FPFA
Professor of Paediatric Dentistry focussing on cariology
Centrum voor Tandheelkunde en Mondzorgkunde, UMCG
University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Visiting Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), the Netherlands
Professorial Fellow
Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne, Australia.
David has spent nearly 40 years in private practice and academia and is currently a Professor of Paediatric Dentistry at the UMCG, University of Groningen and at ACTA in Amsterdam. He previously convened the specialist training program in paediatric dentistry at the University of Melbourne, and was chair of the postgraduate education and research committee. David is involved in several collaborative and postgraduate research projects in both paediatric dentistry and orthodontics. Graduated BDSc (Melb) in 1984 and worked in general practice until 1991 when he undertook an MDSc in Paediatric Dentistry. He was dental advisor to the Australian Federal Government from 1994 – 1996 and won the KG Sutherland Prize of the RACDS in 2007. He is an associate editor of Caries Research and on the advisory panel (board) of the European Caries Research Association (ORCA). He is also a long term member of the editorial boards of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. David is a past president of the IADR paediatric oral health research group.
Over the past 20 years David has spoken throughout Australia, Asia and Europe and has wide ranging research experience in developmental defects of enamel (especially MIH), resin infiltration of MIH lesions, CPP-ACP, Minimum Intervention Dentistry, the detection of carious lesions, and the use of calcium silicates in endodontics. He has published more than 150 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and according to Google scholar he has been cited more than 7000 times since 2018. He is currently supervising far too many PhD and masters students research projects.
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